Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Calming Kids' Worries about Covid-19

As we all try to navigate the shared trauma that is the Coronavirus Pandemic, it can sometimes feel overwhelming, for adults and for children. Kids, especially those in elementary school, often hear or see things ( perhaps on the news, radio, or other media)  that may make them feel scared, but they don't have a full understanding of what is happening. This uncertainty, combined with the drastic changes in lifestyle, social isolation, etc. can lead to emotional disruption, feelings of frustration, anxiety, and loneliness. To help children understand Covid, I had a "discussion" with my puppet 
( aptly named "Puppy") about Covid-19. Puppy asked common questions and shared his concerns as we read a publication made for children by NPR. I made this video in March, but the conversation with Puppy is still relevant today. I hope it can provide some answers, and possible relief, to kids who may be feeling scared or unsure about Covid-19 and the current change in our lifestyles. You'll also find some useful resources on talking with kids, and helping kids understand the Covid-19 pandemic, pasted below. 

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